Monday, January 26, 2009

Why a crib is like a stairmaster.....

When I was first out of college I lived in Baltimore. Since I didn't have money to join a gym I bought a cheap (very cheap) stairmaster (ok glorified stepper thingamajig) and would workout in my bedroom after work while watching tv---desperate for a distraction. Months went by and I started to use it less and less and slowly the stairmaster became a clothes rack. When I moved back to Philadelphia the stairmaster came back with me only because it was basically extra closet space.

When Jake graduated into a "big boy bed" this past July I kept the crib in his room. As you know we live in NYC and don't have any storage---i miss my attic and my basement from my Philadelphia house and more so my parents attic (shhh don't tell them). We figured a baby was sure to be on the way soon so we just left the crib in Jake's room. But months went by and there was no baby. Then we thought there was going to be a baby so there was nothing to worry about. But here we are almost 6 months later and no baby. And guess what???? The crib has become a clothes rack. Sad but true. It is right next to Jake's dresser and it is so easy just to drape things over the edge.

So that my friends is why if we ever play word association and you say stairmaster to me, I'll say crib----and now you know why.

Love much,

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