Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I never make them as you know.
But for some reason, this year I feel the need to do so.
And I know I'm a bit late on it but I've had a hard time narrowing down my options.
I started to run thought the list of “personal areas for improvement” in my mind and came up with the following:
Be less argumentative
Don’t be the customer service police
Don’t point out all the bad behavior in the world around me---and worse yet, don’t expect it to change
Complain less
Be less difficult
Accept certain things and don’t push for change---because it makes others uncomfortable

When I looked at this list I realized that all of these combined really just mean I should lower my expectations on life---which I am not willing to do. I do have high expectations for life---why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't everyone?

Kipp weighed in on my list (thank you ever so much) and after much thought I do believe that my new years resolution for 2009 will be to keep the apartment cleaner. I totally admit that the reason it is usually a disaster area is due to yours truly. We'll cross our fingers and see how it goes. So far so good.

Love much,

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