Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Can't Stop Thinking About.......

People ask me all the time if I ever relax.
Ummmm……no. Never.
I would describe myself as a type A, tightly wound, high-energy sort of girl. The few times I have attempted at finding a more relaxed pace for my life I quickly end up looking for things to do and fall right back into my old ways.
I can’t help myself.
Even when I have some down time my thoughts are racing.
These days all I can think about is and how we need to change the way adoption is perceived in our country. The perception on adoption in this country has come a long way in the past 100 years but we still have work to do on this one—trust me.

Lately I have been thinking about all the women who never have the opportunity to adopt (for whatever reasons) and how they remain childless (not by choice). I think about what that means for them, to have wanted, but never experienced the joys of motherhood.
It keeps me up at night.

I am reminded about a 93-year-old woman I met at my grandmother’s nursing home three years ago. She lived on my grandmother’s hall and was one of the ladies who ooohhed and ahhhhhed over baby Jake when I used to visit---but she always stayed on the periphery and I never knew why. Then one day, during my visit, she took me aside and told me that she was never able to have children. She told me that her family did not support adoption and forbade her from pursuing it. So she never had a child.

“You are so very fortunate --- you live in a different time. Perhaps I wasn’t strong enough? It is a regret that will last a lifetime.” She said as she reached out with a finger for Jake to wrap his little fingers around. Her eyes welled up with tears as she continued, “He’s just perfect. He suits you. I would have liked to be a mother.”

Love much,

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