Monday, March 16, 2009

It's never easy......

It wasn't easy to say the words out loud the first time.

I really wasn't even sure what it all meant.

But over time it got easier.

And now it's just part of who I am.

And who I will be.

I am infertile.

I am An Infertile Blonde.

Love much,

PS. Will have a picture of the mink stole this week.....

1 comment:

Dorae said...


Just caught up on your blog... Wanted to let you know about me. We have one bio son who is almost 10 (and started wearing deodorant today!) and a 2 year old who happens to be adopted from Russia. I know the feeling when you look at your bio kid with amazement that you created him/her. But it is my youngest son who really makes me believe in God. How else can you explain the 4 years of infertility treatment and almost 3 years to adopt him. Because he was meant to be in our family!

All infertility is drag... but secondary infertility carries its own shame and inappropriate comments... most commonly, at least you have one... if I wanted a 100 and only had 99, I would still feel a loss, and I would be entitled to it!

Congratulations on your adoption and your fundraising site (I recently learned that the wait time in Russia is decreasing due to the bad economy, which breaks my heart).