Monday, March 23, 2009

A Infertile Blonde Moment.....

Last December we changed health insurance carriers and visited our new pediatrician.

As Jake played with the toys in the waiting room, I tackled the new patient forms----including a three page family medical history.

Once we were in the exam room our new doctor came in and we started going over all the forms.

It wasn't until we were discussing page 2 of the family history that I realized none of what I answered pertained to Jake.

When I realized what I'd done I burst out laughing-----I think our new Doctor thought I had lost my mind.

"Nothing on that form pertains to Jake." I told her

She looked confused.

"I totally forgot. Jake's adopted."

But the thing is that these sort of things never cross my mind unless they are pointed out by others.

Jake is my son and I am his mom.

And we are a family.

End of discussion.

Love much,

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