Saturday, February 7, 2009

A little known fact about me.....

This afternoon we took Jake to a birthday party.

I always get a funny feeling in my stomach when it's cake time because I can not sing the song "Happy Birthday" to a child (any child) without tearing up.

I never realized what a poignant song it is and how truly significant it is to celebrate the birthday of a child ------ until I wanted what I couldn't have.

I thought it was just a one time occurrence at Jake's first birthday party----since it had been such an emotional journey.

But it didn't stop there.

It happens at every birthday party we go to.

So if we are ever together at a child's birthday party and it's cake'll have to pardon me as I cry my way through the song.

I'll try to stand in the back.

Love much,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soooo many things make me tear up now that we have Evie. Will I ever be able to read a sweet book to her with a message like "I love you..." without tearing up? I'm sure I'll be a wreck singing Happy Birthday to her. Infertility and adoption make our skins's a mixed blessing.