Friday, April 10, 2009

A Pain in the Neck

Yesterday I had a pinched something or other in my left shoulder.....

It makes total sense.

I'm left handed and I carry my overloaded bag on that shoulder.....

So when the ache began I switched my bag to the other arm and figured I'd be fine.

Apparently not.

I barely got any sleep last night because the pain has not only spread but has intensified.

I now have a giant knot where my neck meets my shoulder and can barely move.

Perhaps it is stress related.....

I can't imagine why?

And if that wasn't enough.....

I also woke up to a mild case of "adult acne".....lovely (uhhhhh I think I'm stressed).

Additionally, I had to kill a roach in my bare feet first thing this morning. (This is really one of the negatives about living in NYC)

Not with my bare feet mind you but it still sucked.

But even though my day started out on quite a sour note it has gotten better.....

a. I spent the day with Jake who didn't have school (can't get much better than that)

b. is going to be on the Fox News Chanel tonight (national program...not bad)


c. Suzanne Somers is on HSN tonight (this might just be the highlight of my day)

I love her.

I think she's brilliant.

I don't buy anything (sorry Suzanne).

I just watch.

Kipp just shakes his head.

Happy Easter.....

Love much,

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